Level 36
by Deborah DeLisi
Level 36
Deborah DeLisi
Digital Art - Digital Painting
The energy in this artwork depicts a radiant Divine Source (also called God) that connects through finger-like strands of light to a lotus. This flower is encircled by dots which gave the feeling of being seeds. These aren’t literal seeds. They are seeds of people, races, species, and creations. The light pouring between them is LOVE. The realization here is that of being a divine creation. It is your birthright to receive divine LOVE, and it comes to you without qualification or having to “do” anything. By radiating this to others, you’re aligning yourself to the continuous flow of the Divine Source. Consciousness and love are eternal.
May 4th, 2023
Comments (1)
Jim Love
Wonderfully creative and colorful work Deborah...following
Deborah DeLisi replied:
Thank you Jim, I appreciate the nice feedback. Will be uploading more art today.